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Here I go again

Awwch Now It's G.H.T .
W.W.T -I miss s it:)
But 2007..?! I miss this year:)..It was amazing .

Let's talk about it:)
I was thinking today, and it wasn't a normal day for me. Today has been so humble. It's just in the air.. it's one of those days you wanna wrap up in a big hoodie, and go home to gramma's cookin'. And I was sitting outside, no one was with me, haha. And I was thinking.. my old 'smile'.
-I remember singing and having the biggest, truest smile on my face. And it hit me.. I might not smile ALL THE TIME, like I did back in the day that i HAD my 'smile'.. but on stage, I do. I never realized that on stage, my smiles are the most real they can get. They are the truest smiles I have. So much so that I don't even realize I'm smiling half the time, my heart takes over my face, HA! ( That's an ORIGINAL Miley quote, feel free to use. 'My heart takes over my face when I smile!' - Miley Cyrus. ;) and it's just wonderful because I didn't think I had it anymore.
-My truest smile, I remember back in 2007 things were perfect. PERFECT. I had everything I ever needed, I had everyone I needed, and no one hated me. There was no 'Anti Miley' there was no 'I HATE MILEY CYRUS' crap. There wasn't BAD rumors, there wasn't anything like that.. people actually LIKED me, HA! (Although I'm half tempted to go to Perez Hilton 2007 and check, cause I'm sure he hated me back then too!)And I smiled. I was happy ALL the time.. there was NO bringing me down. I was HAPPY.
-And now I realize, when I'm on stage, I'm THAT person. My heart is back in 2007, my mind is in the music and my passion, my drive, my LOVE for life is THERE. It's on fire and it's happy and it's energy and just.. embracing me. I look out at those fans faces, and I just notice how truly blessed I am. Because I truly am. Right now.. my heart is so happy. I honestly can't stop smiling. And I laugh, because those people 'hating' me, obsessing, trying to make my life hell, it's funny. Because I'm still THIS happy, THIS at peace.
-It's true, for a while I was living for blogs. I was living for rumors. I was living for gossip sites. And now I'm living for me, and it's made me my happiest. I feel like I'm in 2007 again. No.. scratch that, I feel like I'm as happy as I used to be, but with more knowledge, more FEELING toward it. I'm HAPPY.
-I'm not living for people, I'm not living for anyone but myself and GOD. And I love it. I'm HAPPY
Here I go again
Here I go again

Comments • 1

MileyAlreadyHere 7 May 2011  
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